
Your safety is particularly important to us. In order to guarantee you the highest level of safety, we have developed various technologies.

Your safety is particularly important to us. In order to guarantee you the highest level of safety, we have developed various technologies.

Tilt switch: We can install tilt switches in our radio remote controls on request. These can be integrated on both the transmitter and receiver sides to protect both the operator and the device from tipping over.

Near field detection: The Radio Distance Guard detects within a radius of 6 metres when the operator approaches the machine. Depending on the zone he is in or the distance to the machine, the machine control is changed or stopped immediately if there is a danger to people.

Dead man function: NBB offers you its own joysticks with dead man function. These can also be moved to a separate key.

Emergency stop: All our products are equipped with an emergency stop and allow the user to stop the machine in dangerous situations. The emergency stop is actuated by a mushroom switch in most of our products.

You can find more information about our safety technologies here.